Virtual Conference 2: 9th & 10th March


Following on from the success of the inaugural PIMFA Virtual Fest in June 2020, PIMFA are running a second Virtual Fest which will take place on 9th and 10th March 2021. Like the first event, over the two days, the PIMFA Virtual Fest V2 will be delivering presentations on key areas which members have identified […]

Virtual Conference: RegTech In The Finance & Leasing Sector, 23rd March


The FLA will be hosting its first remote conference in 2021 on the important subject of .Regulation Technology (RegTech) The conference will focus on how technology is influencing change in financial services – both in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and in supporting the economic recovery.  As part of this, we will discuss some of […]

Operational Resilience in Technology – 27th – 28th April 2021


Infoline are hosting a 2-day Operational Resilience in Technology, conference virtually on 27th -28th April 2021. This event will provide policy updates from the Bank of England, and allow firms discuss their new frameworks for Operational Resilience and Outsourcing while learning from leading experts in the industry. The event promises to be both thought provoking […]

Virtual Conference: 4th Global RegTech Summit: 11th-13th May 2021


FinTech Global and RegTech Analyst are hosting their 4th Annual Global RegTech Summit, virtually on 11th-13th May 2021. With RegTech firmly on the FCA's agenda in the UK, the conference promises to provide insights from every side of this fast growing industry; from thought leaders, to firms adopting RegTech solutions to RegTech suppliers themselves, the […]

Global Summit: City Week Annual Financial Services Forum


Now in its 11th year, City and Financial are hosting City Week, the premier gathering of the international financial services community. This brings together industry leaders and policy makers from around the globe to consider together the future of global financial markets, and London in particular. We are delighted to be Silver Sponsors of this […]

RegTech in Financial Services 22nd – 23rd September 2021


With the most recently published FCA Business plan focussing heavily on the role technology and data plays in the regulatory world, this inaugural two-day event hosted by Infoline, is a great opportunity for firms to hear discussion and debate about how regulatory technology is critical for the success of many processes. You will also have […]

Global RegTech Summit – 14th October 2021

THE WORLD’S LARGEST GATHERING OF REGTECH LEADERS AND INNOVATORS IS RETURNING AS A HYBRID EVENT! Remember what connecting in-person is like? The Global RegTech Summit is returning again this year as a hybrid event and we are delighted to be sponsors of this prestigious event, where we will also be hosting both a physical in-person stand […]

FLA Asset Finance Conference – What Next? – 26 October 2021


After Brexit, lockdowns and economic uncertainty, what next for asset finance? The opening keynote speaker, KPMG’s Chief Economist, will provide an overview of the economic challenges and opportunities. Worksmart Julie Pardy Director of Regulation & Market Engagement, will be one of the key speakers. Her session 'Purpose, Governance and Employee Competence ' will focus on: […]

SM&CR Virtual Event – Culture & Conduct


Expert Insight into D&I, Non-Financial Misconduct, Culture, Certified Person's Regime and much more! Worksmart are proud Gold sponsors of this exciting 1-day event, which encompasses the guidelines around Senior Manager and Certification Regime (SM&CR), and how conduct and culture plays a huge part in this. This event brought to you by Informa, brings together a […]

Virtual Conference: SEAR Ireland 2022


Get key insight into reasonable steps, mapping, HR implications and much more! Worksmart are proud sponsors of this exciting virtual event, which is completely focused on the introduction of SEAR (Senior Executive Accountability Regime) to Ireland's financial firms that are subject to regulatory compliance. Back in July 2018, the Central Bank of Ireland  proposed an […]

Virtual Event: Regulatory Guidance for Wealth Managers in 2022


In 2022, Wealth Management firms face a daunting schedule of regulatory changes. ESG, Operational Resilience and Consumer Duty are just a few critical areas amongst many others that are competing for your time, limited budgets and finite resources. In this FREE 60-minute webinar hosted by PIMFA, Worksmart’s Director of Regulation & Market Engagement Julie Pardy […]

FLA Annual Regulation Conference 2022


The FLA’s Annual Regulation Conference on 27 & 28 September 2022, will focus on the implementation of the new Consumer Duty now the FCA’s has published its final Rules and Guidance. This Conference will be an online event scheduled over two half-days online, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions and share insights. Each half-day will run from […]