Just when firms thought they could catch their breath; satisfied that key culture risks had been controlled during COVID-19, they’ve had to quickly turn their attention to meet greater regulatory scrutiny on financial misconduct, get on top of whistleblowing in a hybrid work environment and rethink their approach to diversity and inclusion (D&I).
The end result? A complex, confusing environment resulting in culture fatigue; with firms wanting to do the right thing, but not knowing where to focus their efforts.
In this FREE 60-minute webinar, Adrian Harvey, CEO of Elephants Don’t Forget and Julie Pardy, Director of Regulation & Market Engagement at Worksmart, review how firms can make sense of the FCA Conduct and Culture 2021 announcements and plan their own culture agenda that will make the biggest impact in 2022.
Join us for this unmissable session as we discuss:
To register for this free event, visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-IdjrEg1QsKa5QI5hdbMWQ